Will be back from my short break on March 10th

    Hey y'all, like the title of this post says I'll be back from my short break on March 10th (This upcoming Monday). This break has allowed me to get caught up on a good amount of stuff and build a backlog again which has been nice but I've also done some thinking about my schedule.

    With posting twice a week (or at least trying to) I have been really unhappy with my life. I simply just don't currently have time to write two captions a week, work full time, keep my living space clean, exercise, work on other non-caption projects, and keep a social life so for the foreseeable future I will be posting once a week. I hope that when I find a new job or after I move I will have more time to handle everything and manage more posts but its just not possible for me at the moment.

I'll have a new posting schedule posted shortly after this one goes live.
